Originally by Greg Gillson, updated by Stefan Schlick
General directions: From Banks, 15 miles west on Hwy 6 to mile post 33 at the summit of the Coast Range. From there south 9 miles on gravel roads.
Turn off Hwy 6 on Saddle Mountain Road/Beaver Dam Road. (You now enter Tillamook County). There are mileage markers posted every 0.5 miles. Each intersection is marked with a stake with road names. Some maps call the entrance Beaver Dam, some call it Saddle Mountain. Make an immediate right and then another right at the next T. Follow this well graded road and turn left at the 8.5 mile marker after a right curve. Stay on the main road until you get to an intersection with an island that has some roots in it. If you follow left, you will get to the saddle. You can then walk up the remaining 0.5mi to the tower along the gated access road (west), the overlook towards the Tualitin Valley (east) or walk downhill to explore the clearcuts below (there is excellent birding here!).
Habitats: Douglas-fir and western hemlock forests, turning to a few noble fir at the top of Saddle Mountain (3500 feet elevation).
Season: Late spring and summer. The area needs to be explored in fall for rosy-finches.
Targets: This highest point in Washington County has forest birds similar to other lower forests. Nesting birds include Hermit Warbler, Sooty Grouse, Band-tailed Pigeon, Hammond's Flycatcher, Townsend's Solitaire and Mountain Quail. Other birds possible (including anywhere on the drive in) include Gray Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, Western Bluebird, Olive-sided Flycatcher.
Comments: The walk to the summit is a reliable place for Hammond's Flycatcher; they are common and usually calling into mid July. Mountain Quail has gotten more common in the clearcuts near the top. There is usually a Sooty Grouse territory in the first tall trees on the left hand side on the way up to the tower.
Hazards: Roads can be rough, though usually fine for most low-clearance passenger vehicles. Carry cell phone and maps. Carry water.
This is a popular motorcycle and off-highway vehicle recreation area. Do not come on a holiday. Watch for racing motorcycles. Another nuisance is target shooting. The last half mile of road is usually quiet, as is the walk up the hill.
Facilities: No rest rooms. No food or water. Nearest gasoline 25 miles in Banks, also towards Tillamook about equal distance.
Monday, July 18, 2016
County Big Years and Big Days
Finding specialty birds in Washington Co
By Stefan Schlick
Ruffed Grouse - Johnson Rd, near Timber
Sooty Grouse - Around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top)
Mountain Quail - Johnson Rd, around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top), Hayward Rd gated roads
Acorn Woodpecker - Emma Jones WA, snag row on south side of Dawson Creek community park (behind the Hillsboro Library), Pacific University, Rogers Park in Forest Grove
Hairy Woodpecker - South Saddle Mountain, around Timber, Hagg Lake
Hammond's Flycatcher - Near the top of South Saddle Mountain, Reeher's Camp, higher elevations on Round Top
Cassin's Vireo - Lee Rd at Hagg Lake, Tualitin Hills Nature Park, Buxton trailhead of Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail
American Dipper - Creek crossing just west of Reeher's Camp - Timber, Scoggins Valley Picnic Area - Hagg Lake
Common Nighthawk - Timber Rd, Larch Mountain (hike off the end of Storey Burn Rd)
Townsend's Solitaire - High elevation clearcuts near Timber, South Saddle Mountain
Western Bluebird - Iowa Hill, coast range clearcuts including Hagg Lake, Johnson Rd, Timber and South Saddle Mountain
Yellow-breasted Chat - Hagg Lake, Metro Wetland along Fernhill Rd just over a mile from Springhill Rd
Chipping Sparrow - Gales Creek, filbert orchards on Iowa Hill
Bullock's Oriole - Jackson Bottom visitor center, Pacific University campus
Ruffed Grouse - Johnson Rd, near Timber
Sooty Grouse - Around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top)
Mountain Quail - Johnson Rd, around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top), Hayward Rd gated roads
Acorn Woodpecker - Emma Jones WA, snag row on south side of Dawson Creek community park (behind the Hillsboro Library), Pacific University, Rogers Park in Forest Grove
Hairy Woodpecker - South Saddle Mountain, around Timber, Hagg Lake
Hammond's Flycatcher - Near the top of South Saddle Mountain, Reeher's Camp, higher elevations on Round Top
Cassin's Vireo - Lee Rd at Hagg Lake, Tualitin Hills Nature Park, Buxton trailhead of Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail
American Dipper - Creek crossing just west of Reeher's Camp - Timber, Scoggins Valley Picnic Area - Hagg Lake
Common Nighthawk - Timber Rd, Larch Mountain (hike off the end of Storey Burn Rd)
Townsend's Solitaire - High elevation clearcuts near Timber, South Saddle Mountain
Western Bluebird - Iowa Hill, coast range clearcuts including Hagg Lake, Johnson Rd, Timber and South Saddle Mountain
Yellow-breasted Chat - Hagg Lake, Metro Wetland along Fernhill Rd just over a mile from Springhill Rd
Chipping Sparrow - Gales Creek, filbert orchards on Iowa Hill
Bullock's Oriole - Jackson Bottom visitor center, Pacific University campus
Finding specialty birds in Washington Co
By Stefan Schlick
Ruffed Grouse - Johnson Rd, near Timber
Sooty Grouse - Around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top)
Mountain Quail - Johnson Rd, around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top), Hayward Rd gated roads
Acorn Woodpecker - Emma Jones WA, snag row on south side of Dawson Creek community park (behind the Hillsboro Library), Pacific University, Rogers Park in Forest Grove
Hairy Woodpecker - South Saddle Mountain, around Timber, Hagg Lake
Hammond's Flycatcher - Near the top of South Saddle Mountain, Reeher's Camp, higher elevations on Round Top
Cassin's Vireo - Lee Rd at Hagg Lake, Tualitin Hills Nature Park, Buxton trailhead of Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail
American Dipper - Creek crossing just west of Reeher's Camp - Timber, Scoggins Valley Picnic Area - Hagg Lake
Common Nighthawk - Timber Rd, Larch Mountain (hike off the end of Storey Burn Rd)
Townsend's Solitaire - High elevation clearcuts near Timber, South Saddle Mountain
Western Bluebird - Iowa Hill, coast range clearcuts including Hagg Lake, Johnson Rd, Timber and South Saddle Mountain, easiest probably at Cooper Mountain Nature Park
Yellow-breasted Chat - Hagg Lake, Metro Wetland along Fernhill Rd just over a mile from Springhill Rd
Chipping Sparrow - Gales Creek, filbert orchards on Iowa Hill
Bullock's Oriole - Jackson Bottom visitor center, Pacific University campus
Ruffed Grouse - Johnson Rd, near Timber
Sooty Grouse - Around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top)
Mountain Quail - Johnson Rd, around Timber (mostly lower elevation), South Saddle Mountain (near top), Hayward Rd gated roads
Acorn Woodpecker - Emma Jones WA, snag row on south side of Dawson Creek community park (behind the Hillsboro Library), Pacific University, Rogers Park in Forest Grove
Hairy Woodpecker - South Saddle Mountain, around Timber, Hagg Lake
Hammond's Flycatcher - Near the top of South Saddle Mountain, Reeher's Camp, higher elevations on Round Top
Cassin's Vireo - Lee Rd at Hagg Lake, Tualitin Hills Nature Park, Buxton trailhead of Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail
American Dipper - Creek crossing just west of Reeher's Camp - Timber, Scoggins Valley Picnic Area - Hagg Lake
Common Nighthawk - Timber Rd, Larch Mountain (hike off the end of Storey Burn Rd)
Townsend's Solitaire - High elevation clearcuts near Timber, South Saddle Mountain
Western Bluebird - Iowa Hill, coast range clearcuts including Hagg Lake, Johnson Rd, Timber and South Saddle Mountain, easiest probably at Cooper Mountain Nature Park
Yellow-breasted Chat - Hagg Lake, Metro Wetland along Fernhill Rd just over a mile from Springhill Rd
Chipping Sparrow - Gales Creek, filbert orchards on Iowa Hill
Bullock's Oriole - Jackson Bottom visitor center, Pacific University campus
Milne Rd
By Stefan Schlick
Directions: From US26, take the Dersham/Mountaindale Rd exit west of Hillsboro. At the T, turn left, cross the tracks and turn south in about 0.5mi. Halfway down Milne Rd you can turn west onto Harrington Rd. Along Harrington, watch for raptors on the lone snag (a Prairie Falcon was wintering in the area in 2008-2010) and check the oaks for Acorn Woodpecker. The place to position yourself to see Short-eared Owls rise near dusk in winter is the rise about 200yds south of the intersection of Milne & Harrington, Short-eared Owls have been wintering at this site for the last several years (2010-2016). In recent years, Milne, Harrington and Gordon Rds have also been one of the most reliable sites to see Rough-legged Hawk in the county in winter.
Target birds: Rough-legged Hawk, Short-eared Owl, Western Meadowlark (all in winter)
Directions: From US26, take the Dersham/Mountaindale Rd exit west of Hillsboro. At the T, turn left, cross the tracks and turn south in about 0.5mi. Halfway down Milne Rd you can turn west onto Harrington Rd. Along Harrington, watch for raptors on the lone snag (a Prairie Falcon was wintering in the area in 2008-2010) and check the oaks for Acorn Woodpecker. The place to position yourself to see Short-eared Owls rise near dusk in winter is the rise about 200yds south of the intersection of Milne & Harrington, Short-eared Owls have been wintering at this site for the last several years (2010-2016). In recent years, Milne, Harrington and Gordon Rds have also been one of the most reliable sites to see Rough-legged Hawk in the county in winter.
Target birds: Rough-legged Hawk, Short-eared Owl, Western Meadowlark (all in winter)
Croeni/Jacobson ponds
Originally by Greg Gillson, updated by Stefan Schlick
General directions: From Hwy 26, take Cornelius Pass exit, north 0.7 miles to NW Jacobson Rd, west 0.5 miles to NW Croeni Rd, north 0.3 miles to NW Westmark Dr.
Alternate directions: One pond at the intersection of NW Croeni Rd and NW Westmark Dr.
Another pond just west of the intersection of NW Jacobson Rd and NW Croeni Rd.
Street parking in this low-traffic new industrial area.
Habitats: Two mitigation ponds, variously referred to as Croeni Pond, Jacobson Pond, Westmark Pond.
Season: spring and fall
Comments: The habitat is rarely right for shorebirds, but especially in winter, Greater Yellowlegs can be present. 1-2 pairs of Lazuli Bunting can be north of the Westmark & Croeni. Either ponds often have Virginia Rail and Sora.
Some years, the area can have several wintering raptors including Northern Harrier and Rough-legged Hawk (rare). Horned Larks singing in spring 2002 over industrial fields prior to construction.
General directions: From Hwy 26, take Cornelius Pass exit, north 0.7 miles to NW Jacobson Rd, west 0.5 miles to NW Croeni Rd, north 0.3 miles to NW Westmark Dr.
Alternate directions: One pond at the intersection of NW Croeni Rd and NW Westmark Dr.
Another pond just west of the intersection of NW Jacobson Rd and NW Croeni Rd.
Street parking in this low-traffic new industrial area.
Habitats: Two mitigation ponds, variously referred to as Croeni Pond, Jacobson Pond, Westmark Pond.
Season: spring and fall
Comments: The habitat is rarely right for shorebirds, but especially in winter, Greater Yellowlegs can be present. 1-2 pairs of Lazuli Bunting can be north of the Westmark & Croeni. Either ponds often have Virginia Rail and Sora.
Some years, the area can have several wintering raptors including Northern Harrier and Rough-legged Hawk (rare). Horned Larks singing in spring 2002 over industrial fields prior to construction.
Johnson Road
By Greg Gillson and Stefan Schlick
General directions: From Staleys Junction, at intersection of Hwy 26 and Hwy 47, go 7.0 miles towards Vernonia. This is 1.0 miles past the Tophill Trailhead of the Banks-Vernonia Linear State Park (rest rooms here).
Habitats: Johnson Road is gated after 2 miles.
Season: April-July
Comments: MOUNTAIN QUAIL and WESTERN BLUEBIRD in clearcut at mile 0.1. Also a SOOTY GROUSE head in April 2003. RUFFED GROUSE can show up up anywhere within the first 0.5mi.
RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKERS at mile 1.2 in standing snags and western redcedar left standing. Up to 6 on 20 March 2004. This is the main access point for exploring the clearcuts in the area. Also watch for NORTHERN GOSHAWK here.
Main road gated at mile 1.5 but side road to right continues another 0.4 miles. At end of this side road a GRAY JAY and 6 HUTTON'S VIREOS in March 2004. This is also a reliable site for HERMIT WARBLER
General directions: From Staleys Junction, at intersection of Hwy 26 and Hwy 47, go 7.0 miles towards Vernonia. This is 1.0 miles past the Tophill Trailhead of the Banks-Vernonia Linear State Park (rest rooms here).
Habitats: Johnson Road is gated after 2 miles.
Season: April-July
Comments: MOUNTAIN QUAIL and WESTERN BLUEBIRD in clearcut at mile 0.1. Also a SOOTY GROUSE head in April 2003. RUFFED GROUSE can show up up anywhere within the first 0.5mi.
RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKERS at mile 1.2 in standing snags and western redcedar left standing. Up to 6 on 20 March 2004. This is the main access point for exploring the clearcuts in the area. Also watch for NORTHERN GOSHAWK here.
Main road gated at mile 1.5 but side road to right continues another 0.4 miles. At end of this side road a GRAY JAY and 6 HUTTON'S VIREOS in March 2004. This is also a reliable site for HERMIT WARBLER
[Note: This article was copied from thebirdguide.com, but without the pictures]
copyright 2007 by Greg Gillson
updated 2012
The small village of Timber is 40 miles west of Portland on the eastern slopes of the Coast Range. The distance is the same whether one travels Hwy 26 to Banks and up Highway 6 to Glenwood, or whether one stays on Hwy 26 and turns off at the Timber-Vernonia Junction.
If you want mountain/forest birds such as Mountain Quail, Northern Goshawks, Gray Jays, Hermit Warblers, American Dippers, Hammond's Flycatchers, Townsend's Solitaires, Hutton's Vireos, Red-breasted Sapsuckers, and other such birds in Washington County, then taking a day to explore the back country roads, clear cuts, creek bottoms, and forest edges can be enjoyable and rewarding. Birding is good from April into September.
Many times, finding good birds here in the forest requires stopping at opportune pullouts at the edge of clear cuts. Timber harvesting is ongoing, so this site guide will quickly go out-of-date. Access may be restricted at any time. Never enter an active logging area. Obey all posted signs. Fortunately, logging usually is halted during the weekends. Roads behind locked gates aren't necessarily off-limits to recreational users--be sure to read the signs.
Birding is good in these forests and clear cuts because of natural succession. As the forest regrows the species composition changes. Thus, for the first 12 years or so following a cut, one will find Willow Flycatcher, House Wren, Townsend's Solitaire, Western Bluebird, and White-crowned Sparrow. Additional birds found for the first 20 years include Northern Flicker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, American Robin, Orange-crowned Warbler, Spotted Towhee, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
As the forest gets older the above birds disappear but others appear. After about 12 years Pacific Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Hermit Warbler, and Wilson's Warbler move in. They stay as the forest gets older and are joined after 20 years by Ruffed Grouse, Hammond's Flycatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Varied Thrush, and Yellow-rumped Warber. Of course, some birds are found throughout all forest ages, including Rufous Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Steller's Jay, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, MacGillivray's Warbler, Western Tanager, and Dark-eyed Junco. (From thesis of Kelly Bettinger in 1996 on forests in the central Cascades.)

This site guide describes the birding opportunities west of Timber on Cochran Road. Birding in town itself is unremarkable, except that most homes seem to have hummingbird feeders. The only expected species is Rufous Hummingbird, April through August. There is a firestation and post office, but no other amenities or facilities in this tiny town. The road turns to gravel 1/2 mile west of town. Zero your odometer here. There are mile markers nailed to trees every half mile. A map is highly recommended. New logging roads may occur at any time, and old roads on maps may not exist or be gated shut. The main roads are quite obvious, however.
[I haven't walked this since about 2006.] An older clear cut currently with public access is at Ingersoll Road, 1.3 miles west of town, on the right-hand (north) side of the road [Map Point 1]. Elevation here is about 1120 feet. Park without blocking the locked gate and walk the road behind the gate. I've always turned back after reaching some standing forest fragments about one mile in, but the road keeps going off to the northeast. The trees in the clear cut are 20 years old now and starting to close in. Thus, though you may hear a Mountain Quail or Blue Grouse, it is difficult to catch a glimpse. A visit on May 15, 2004 found the following, in decreasing order of abundance: 15 Rufous Hummingbirds, 15 Wilson's Warblers, 10 Orange-crowned Warblers, 10 Hermit Warblers, 10 MacGillivray's Warblers, 10 Black-headed Grosbeaks, 10 Purple Finches, 6 Black-throated Gray Warblers, 5 Swainson's Thrush, 5 White-crowned Sparrows, and lesser numbers of many other birds including Mountain Quail (1 heard only), Band-tailed Pigeon, Pileated Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Hammond's Flycatcher, Hutton's Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Steller's Jay, Brown Creeper, Pacific Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Western Tanager, Spotted Towhee, Dark-eyed Junco, Brown-headed Cowbird, American Goldfinch and others.
The next stop [Map Point 2] is Reehers Camp, managed by the Tillamook State Forest. There are 6 spaces in the main campground and 10 spaces in the horse campground. The parking pads for each site are large, but there really is no room for tents. There are vault pit toilets, but the pump water is approved for stock animals only at this time. Fee is $10 per night.
The target bird here is Hammond's Flycatcher. They breed here under the closed canopy in the otherwise very open forest created by removing all undergrowth (see photo). I found 10 Hammond's and 10 Pacific-slope Flycatchers here on the morning of May 18, 2007, and at least 8 singing Hammond's Flycatchers even at noon on 11 June 2006. Getting good light on them is difficult, as they sing from high up in the canopy.
Hermit Warbler is the most common warbler here, along with Wilson's Warbler. Other species include Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hutton's Vireo, Dark-eyed Junco, Swainson's Thrush, Varied Thrush, Common Raven, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Western Tanager, Pacific Wren, Hairy Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Western Wood-Pewee, Black-headed Grosbeak, Rufous Hummingbird, Gray Jay, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Brown Creeper, Evening Grosbeak and, across the street in the opening, White-crowned Sparrow. A trail between the campground and the day use area leads down to the river. The river is shallow and narrow, always in the shade of the 200 foot tall Douglas-fir. Either here, or on the multi-use trail 1/4 mile to the bridge upstream you can find American Dipper.
New in 2010: A new horse/foot loop trail, the Triple C Trail, starts in the campground. Walk either across the road to the north and follow the river back, or walk it in reverse. It is 1.5 miles. I consider this trail to now be the must visit highlight of the entire site guide from very late spring into mid-summer.
See this web site on the Triple C Trail by the Forest Hiker.
The next birding site is along Rice Road. Turn left (south) off Cochran Road 3.3 miles west of Timber onto Round Top Road. Cross over the railroad tracks and stay left on Round Top Road at the next intersection until you are about 1.4 miles miles from Cochran Road. Then turn left on Rice Road. Logging continues (through 2007) along Rice Road.Townsend's Solitaires, are found in these newer clear cuts in spring and summer. It is 1.7 miles to a recent (2003?) burn and clear cut [Map Point 3]. Dead end roads go around both sides of the burn for about a mile and are fairly rough and rocky, but passable by passenger vehicle if driven slowly. The road to the right around the clearing is Coffee Creek Road. The road goes out on a point overlooking the valley [Map Point 4] and is a good place to watch and listen for birds.
Typical birds of both forests and mountain clearings are found here including Gray Jay, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Western Bluebird, Townsend's Solitaire, Varied Thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Western Tanager, Evening Grosbeak, Hermit Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Steller's Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, White-crowned Sparrow, House Wren, Red Crossbill, and others. This also might be a fairly decent place to view migrating raptors in the fall, though the valley opens up more to the east than to the north. Migrant Merlins and Sharp-shinned Hawks were seen here in fall 2004.
[Map Point 5] Logging landing over new clear cut (2006) creating possibly excellent fall raptor watching area, late August to early October. Distance needs verification, it may be 1.9 miles from Cochran Road. A pair of Townsend's Solitaires were here in May 2007. Both Blue and Ruffed Grouse were observed on road edges in the fall of 2004.
[Map Point 6] Access to Round Top. Distance needs verification, may be 3.0 miles from Cochran Road to Rogers Road, then a short distance to the road leading up Round Top. There was much active logging starting in the spring 2007 over most of the mountain. I'm thinking this may be a place to check for winter Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches or Snow Buntings for the next few winters (November to February), if snow doesn't block the road. It is about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the locked gate to the summit, fairly steep. Open views of the sky offer possiblitiy of seeing Northern Goshawk.
The intersection of Rogers/Round Top Road with Bell Camp Road, and walking back down Round Top Rd a few hundred feet, is an excellent location for Sooty Grouse on the steep hillside in the mature forest. Gray Jay and Northern Pygmy-Owl are regular here also.
Warning, unsafe: do not attempt to take Rogers Road down to Highway 6!
If the gate open at Cochran site it is possible to drive circle from Bell Camp Road to Standard Grade to Cohran site and back on Cochran Road [see below].
The site of Cochran is 6.5 miles west of Timber. About 3.5 miles from Timber the road goes out of Washington County and into Tillamook County, then comes back into Washington County right at the site of Cochran. The only thing here now of this one-time timber camp is a pond, railroad spur, gravel pit, and some old foundations in a clearing in the forest on the edge of a creek. Some campers or hunters may park here for the night. Typical forest birds include Blue Grouse, Band-tailed Pigeon, Hairy & Pileated Woodpecker, Hammond's & Pacific-slope Flycatchers, Warbling Vireo, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Western Bluebird, Orange-crowned & Yellow-rumped & Hermit Wablers, Black-headed & Evening Grosbeaks. Several birds of wet clearings were here as well, such as American Robin, Common Yellowthroat, Song & White-crowned Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird. There is potential for waterbirds as well.
copyright 2007 by Greg Gillson
updated 2012
If you want mountain/forest birds such as Mountain Quail, Northern Goshawks, Gray Jays, Hermit Warblers, American Dippers, Hammond's Flycatchers, Townsend's Solitaires, Hutton's Vireos, Red-breasted Sapsuckers, and other such birds in Washington County, then taking a day to explore the back country roads, clear cuts, creek bottoms, and forest edges can be enjoyable and rewarding. Birding is good from April into September.
Birding is good in these forests and clear cuts because of natural succession. As the forest regrows the species composition changes. Thus, for the first 12 years or so following a cut, one will find Willow Flycatcher, House Wren, Townsend's Solitaire, Western Bluebird, and White-crowned Sparrow. Additional birds found for the first 20 years include Northern Flicker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, American Robin, Orange-crowned Warbler, Spotted Towhee, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
As the forest gets older the above birds disappear but others appear. After about 12 years Pacific Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Hermit Warbler, and Wilson's Warbler move in. They stay as the forest gets older and are joined after 20 years by Ruffed Grouse, Hammond's Flycatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Varied Thrush, and Yellow-rumped Warber. Of course, some birds are found throughout all forest ages, including Rufous Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Steller's Jay, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, MacGillivray's Warbler, Western Tanager, and Dark-eyed Junco. (From thesis of Kelly Bettinger in 1996 on forests in the central Cascades.)

This site guide describes the birding opportunities west of Timber on Cochran Road. Birding in town itself is unremarkable, except that most homes seem to have hummingbird feeders. The only expected species is Rufous Hummingbird, April through August. There is a firestation and post office, but no other amenities or facilities in this tiny town. The road turns to gravel 1/2 mile west of town. Zero your odometer here. There are mile markers nailed to trees every half mile. A map is highly recommended. New logging roads may occur at any time, and old roads on maps may not exist or be gated shut. The main roads are quite obvious, however.
[I haven't walked this since about 2006.] An older clear cut currently with public access is at Ingersoll Road, 1.3 miles west of town, on the right-hand (north) side of the road [Map Point 1]. Elevation here is about 1120 feet. Park without blocking the locked gate and walk the road behind the gate. I've always turned back after reaching some standing forest fragments about one mile in, but the road keeps going off to the northeast. The trees in the clear cut are 20 years old now and starting to close in. Thus, though you may hear a Mountain Quail or Blue Grouse, it is difficult to catch a glimpse. A visit on May 15, 2004 found the following, in decreasing order of abundance: 15 Rufous Hummingbirds, 15 Wilson's Warblers, 10 Orange-crowned Warblers, 10 Hermit Warblers, 10 MacGillivray's Warblers, 10 Black-headed Grosbeaks, 10 Purple Finches, 6 Black-throated Gray Warblers, 5 Swainson's Thrush, 5 White-crowned Sparrows, and lesser numbers of many other birds including Mountain Quail (1 heard only), Band-tailed Pigeon, Pileated Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Hammond's Flycatcher, Hutton's Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Steller's Jay, Brown Creeper, Pacific Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Western Tanager, Spotted Towhee, Dark-eyed Junco, Brown-headed Cowbird, American Goldfinch and others.
The next stop [Map Point 2] is Reehers Camp, managed by the Tillamook State Forest. There are 6 spaces in the main campground and 10 spaces in the horse campground. The parking pads for each site are large, but there really is no room for tents. There are vault pit toilets, but the pump water is approved for stock animals only at this time. Fee is $10 per night.
The target bird here is Hammond's Flycatcher. They breed here under the closed canopy in the otherwise very open forest created by removing all undergrowth (see photo). I found 10 Hammond's and 10 Pacific-slope Flycatchers here on the morning of May 18, 2007, and at least 8 singing Hammond's Flycatchers even at noon on 11 June 2006. Getting good light on them is difficult, as they sing from high up in the canopy.
Hermit Warbler is the most common warbler here, along with Wilson's Warbler. Other species include Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hutton's Vireo, Dark-eyed Junco, Swainson's Thrush, Varied Thrush, Common Raven, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Western Tanager, Pacific Wren, Hairy Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Western Wood-Pewee, Black-headed Grosbeak, Rufous Hummingbird, Gray Jay, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Brown Creeper, Evening Grosbeak and, across the street in the opening, White-crowned Sparrow. A trail between the campground and the day use area leads down to the river. The river is shallow and narrow, always in the shade of the 200 foot tall Douglas-fir. Either here, or on the multi-use trail 1/4 mile to the bridge upstream you can find American Dipper.
New in 2010: A new horse/foot loop trail, the Triple C Trail, starts in the campground. Walk either across the road to the north and follow the river back, or walk it in reverse. It is 1.5 miles. I consider this trail to now be the must visit highlight of the entire site guide from very late spring into mid-summer.
See this web site on the Triple C Trail by the Forest Hiker.
Typical birds of both forests and mountain clearings are found here including Gray Jay, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Western Bluebird, Townsend's Solitaire, Varied Thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Western Tanager, Evening Grosbeak, Hermit Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Steller's Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, White-crowned Sparrow, House Wren, Red Crossbill, and others. This also might be a fairly decent place to view migrating raptors in the fall, though the valley opens up more to the east than to the north. Migrant Merlins and Sharp-shinned Hawks were seen here in fall 2004.
[Map Point 5] Logging landing over new clear cut (2006) creating possibly excellent fall raptor watching area, late August to early October. Distance needs verification, it may be 1.9 miles from Cochran Road. A pair of Townsend's Solitaires were here in May 2007. Both Blue and Ruffed Grouse were observed on road edges in the fall of 2004.
[Map Point 6] Access to Round Top. Distance needs verification, may be 3.0 miles from Cochran Road to Rogers Road, then a short distance to the road leading up Round Top. There was much active logging starting in the spring 2007 over most of the mountain. I'm thinking this may be a place to check for winter Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches or Snow Buntings for the next few winters (November to February), if snow doesn't block the road. It is about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the locked gate to the summit, fairly steep. Open views of the sky offer possiblitiy of seeing Northern Goshawk.
The intersection of Rogers/Round Top Road with Bell Camp Road, and walking back down Round Top Rd a few hundred feet, is an excellent location for Sooty Grouse on the steep hillside in the mature forest. Gray Jay and Northern Pygmy-Owl are regular here also.
Warning, unsafe: do not attempt to take Rogers Road down to Highway 6!
If the gate open at Cochran site it is possible to drive circle from Bell Camp Road to Standard Grade to Cohran site and back on Cochran Road [see below].
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The site of Cochran is 6.5 miles west of Timber. About 3.5 miles from Timber the road goes out of Washington County and into Tillamook County, then comes back into Washington County right at the site of Cochran. The only thing here now of this one-time timber camp is a pond, railroad spur, gravel pit, and some old foundations in a clearing in the forest on the edge of a creek. Some campers or hunters may park here for the night. Typical forest birds include Blue Grouse, Band-tailed Pigeon, Hairy & Pileated Woodpecker, Hammond's & Pacific-slope Flycatchers, Warbling Vireo, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Western Bluebird, Orange-crowned & Yellow-rumped & Hermit Wablers, Black-headed & Evening Grosbeaks. Several birds of wet clearings were here as well, such as American Robin, Common Yellowthroat, Song & White-crowned Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird. There is potential for waterbirds as well.
Iowa Hill
By Stefan Schlick
Directions: Iowa Hill is an area south of Cornelius, OR, that offers pretty decent overall birding. In downtown Cornelius, turn on S 10th Ave which will turn into Golf Course Rd. At the T (Forest Grove Golf Course), turn west onto Iowa Hill Rd. From there, one can generally make the following loop: Iowa Hill Rd, Dober Rd, Riedweg Rd and Johnson School Rd. Gnos Rd can be good - the ravine on the right coming up sometimes yields Yellow-breasted Chat. Another good detour is Firdale Rd where the house at 33520 often has Western Bluebird. Watch and listen for Chipping Sparrows in the filbert orchards along Riedweg Rd. Lazuli Bunting can be numerous in the clover fields near the intersection of Dober & Riedweg.
Targets: Chipping Sparrow, Western Bluebird, Lazuli Bunting
Directions: Iowa Hill is an area south of Cornelius, OR, that offers pretty decent overall birding. In downtown Cornelius, turn on S 10th Ave which will turn into Golf Course Rd. At the T (Forest Grove Golf Course), turn west onto Iowa Hill Rd. From there, one can generally make the following loop: Iowa Hill Rd, Dober Rd, Riedweg Rd and Johnson School Rd. Gnos Rd can be good - the ravine on the right coming up sometimes yields Yellow-breasted Chat. Another good detour is Firdale Rd where the house at 33520 often has Western Bluebird. Watch and listen for Chipping Sparrows in the filbert orchards along Riedweg Rd. Lazuli Bunting can be numerous in the clover fields near the intersection of Dober & Riedweg.
Targets: Chipping Sparrow, Western Bluebird, Lazuli Bunting
Gales Creek
By Stefan Schlick
The little Hamlet of Gales Creek is along Hwy 8 northwest of Forest Grove. If you are coming from Portland, it's better to take 6 west to the 8 turnoff and go 2mi south.
The main draw is Chipping Sparrow. I've had them in town quite a few times as well. Drive Potts Rd, Soda Springs Rd and Old Wilson River Rd as well, as there could be some interesting birds uphill. Look for Cassin's Vireo along Potts Rd. Bird the town on foot, there usually is a stocked feeder with lots of finches. The creek crossing can be interesting as well
The little Hamlet of Gales Creek is along Hwy 8 northwest of Forest Grove. If you are coming from Portland, it's better to take 6 west to the 8 turnoff and go 2mi south.
The main draw is Chipping Sparrow. I've had them in town quite a few times as well. Drive Potts Rd, Soda Springs Rd and Old Wilson River Rd as well, as there could be some interesting birds uphill. Look for Cassin's Vireo along Potts Rd. Bird the town on foot, there usually is a stocked feeder with lots of finches. The creek crossing can be interesting as well
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